Thursday, December 22, 2011

God will keep you

Looking back over my life I begin to feel much older than I really am. I realized that the person I used to be I am no longer. I am not what I want to be but as the old folks say thank God I am not who I used to be! Growing up I struggled with bouts of self-pity, loneliness and even at times depression. I only now realize how far gone I was. Every night in my bed I would hope and pray that I wouldn't wake up in the morning, only to wake up in the morning mad that I was in the same situation. Have you ever contemplated suicide? Have you ever felt like life was just not worth living another day?
Growing up there was anger, bitterness, self-pity, loneliness and depression all around me and it felt like I just caught the bug. My teenage brother attempted suicide numerous times, my sister indulged in the ritual of cutting herself to relieve pain inside and there I was surrounded by all of that. I grew up feeling those same emotions because I didn't have any friends and was constantly ridiculed at school for being different. I had no desire to kill myself not for any honorable reason just because I didn't want to feel physical pain. I opted for God to take me out. I thought if God saw the mess I was in, the home life I had He would do me a favor and take me away from it all. But now I realized He kept me for a reason.
 Isaiah 46:4 God states, "...I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. God is a keeper! He didn't just keep me so I can stay in the same situation and be miserable. He kept me so that my life can be a blessing to someone else. Have you ever wondered why you are still here? Even the prophet Elijah prayed to die in 1 Kings 19 :4 but God kept him for a purpose. We can only see finite things but God sees the infinite.
My prayer for you is that the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with you always even in the dark times of your life. I pray that you recognize He is there and that He has a plan for your life.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


At times in our lives we feel lonely, like no one cares about us. I myself feel random moments of loneliness. Even in a room full of people you can feel all alone emotionally. Where does that feeling come from? One minute you can be living on top of the world, feeling all the love and support from family and friends and then the next minute you feel empty and lonely inside. I have come to the realization that loneliness is a toxic weapon from the devil, that tricks you into believing no one cares about you.

We feel alone when we aren't in the will of God. And when we leave God, because we know He doesn't leave us. Hebrews 13:5, Deuteronomy 31:6,8 ..."for he hath said I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" KJV. When we look for people to take the place of God in our lives; whether for approval, advice etc. We may take God out the picture.  

In various times of my life I felt lonely. I remember in 2009 I felt all alone, but it was a transitional part in my life. I was coming back to God. My friends left me when I decided not to drink, and party. I clung to the only thing I knew and that was God. I knew at that moment that God had something greater ahead of me. I fell in love with an incredible man of God and I knew that I could not go back to the lifestyle I used to live. Yes, I was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost but I left God when I came to college. Not intentionally at first but I did. But I thank God for sending me someone who could help bring me out, because I was weak.

If you feel like this all you have to do is surrender to God. Give Him the worry, anxiety, depression, party lifestyle, whatever it may be. He wants you to give it to Him. Now remember, there is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Be free in Christ 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Feeling God's Presence

How do you feel God's presence, In a society where we have to see it to believe it. Lately, I've been seeing and feeling God's presence more than I have in a long time. Where I once questioned it, I now welcome it. The other day someone mentioned to me that they never felt God's presence. How could that be I thought? So many times we dismiss God's presence because we don't know what it means or how it will feel. It's a scary thing not to feel your heavenly Father's presence! Especially when everyone else around you can feel it and you aren't sure if you felt it.
          Before Christ ascended into heaven he told the disciples He will not leave them as orphans but He will send the Comforter, John 14:15-18. Jesus has never left us like some do but instead he sent his Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us into all truth. So what does this mean? There should never be a time where you should not feel His presence, if you are a Christian. God will never fail you when you surrender your all to Him.So many times we don't feel His presence because there is a block. When fear and doubt come in God is no longer in the picture.
          When you feel God's presence there is an abundance of love and joy that is poured over you. It's an overwhelming feeling! "But let the godly rejoice. Let them be glad in God's presence. Let them be filled with joy" Psalm 68:2-4. After leaving an anointed church service or leaving a prayer group I feel so much love in the room. Not from the people I am with but from God being in the midst of us. God is love. Again fear has no place in God, 1 John 4:16-18. When we surrender our all and give it to God that's when He will show up for us.

This Week: Don't let the devil steal the joy and love you feel in God's presence. Keep that praise! Keep that Hallelujah! 

Friday, September 30, 2011

No Fear of Failure

God has called us for such a time as this.We all have a purpose on this earth, however it's up to us to live out the calling of God on our lives. God called us all for greatness. We were chosen before the foundations of the world. Our heavenly Father knew us before we were even in our mother's womb.Yet we have trouble trusting the one who knows us the most. Sure we trust God with our family and material possessions but how about for our destiny on this earth? Are you willing to take the risk and go wherever God says go? We have to be radical with this walk with Christ. This goes for me as well. So many times God has led me to pray for someone or meet with someone but fear was in the way. No Fear of Failure is the ability to take a risk and keep the focus and attention on our call and obedience!
 The Apostle Paul says it like this, "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:12-13.
        Paul was fully aware that the people he was going to encounter most likely were not going to accept him and the Gospel of Christ. Paul wanted to stress to us how Christians ought to live.Without the goal of pleasing our Lord as our guide and gratitude to drive us, we will be too afraid to go beyond our comfort zones to do anything of significance. My comfort zone is a safe place, where I feel secure and confident. Going out of my comfort zone is intimidating at times. I don't want to fail. I know I am not alone in feeling like this.When we do not have the ability to take a risk, then we need to ask God and ourselves why.Then we need to realize the results belong to the Lord and Him alone.We do not need to worry about the results,because they are in the Lord’s hands, they belong to Him. God is sovereign, we should not fear going to our neighbor and witnessing, nor should we fear to do what it takes in our leadership responsibility.  
This week try this with me: If God says it don't hesitate just do it! Remember God rewards obedience. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

What Love?!

I was thinking the other day about how God truly loves us. So many times in my life I ran away from God enjoying the pleasures of this world. I loved to party, swear, drink and everything else that I knew was not of God. I was searching for love in all the wrong places. But God kept loving me. He wooed me ever so softly back to Him. In the book of Hosea God allows Hosea to be married to a prostitute. God tells Hosea to love a woman who is loved by a lover.When I first read this I couldn't understand how God could just sit by and watch this woman break Hosea's heart consistently and not let him leave her. How heartbreaking it must be to love someone so passionately yet they still pursue another to satisfy their needs? In the media we hear of countless celebrities who's significant other has cheated on them and then the marriage or relationship is over.

So why would God allow this to happen? Does he like to torture his people? NO! The prostitute Hosea loved is an example of us! Now you may be thinking why is she calling me a whore she doesn't even know me. But God does! God loves us tremendously that even when we look to others/things in this world to satisfy us He is still there reaching out for us."Wine has robbed my people of their understanding. They ask a piece of wood for advice!They think a stick can tell them the future!Longing after idols has made them foolish. They have played the prostitute, serving other gods and deserting their God".Hosea 4:11- 12 NLT
I don't know about you but I am so glad that God love's me in spite of my shortcomings. He loves us so much that he wants us to live our life just for Him. Our worldly desires have brought us nothing but pain and unhappiness.We must desire to live for Christ and not our former gods in this world.

Please pray with me: Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me beyond words can share. Lord help me to live for you and not my own fleshly desires for I know that you have called me out of darkness into your marvelous light. I choose to live for you Lord and not serve after idols. In Jesus Name I pray Amen.